Hi everyone,
It has been a hectic and back breaking couple of months, what with finishing and shipping Dorian Gray, dealing with the fallout from the Coraline standard edition sale and working frantically on A Christmas Carol. I’m afraid this has meant that I haven’t had much time for social media/website stuff etc, as I’ve needed to 100% focus on the work at hand.
There are still around 150 copies of the standard edition available but I think we are now going to have to leave the sale of those until after I’ve completed and shipped A Christmas Carol. I had hoped to sell them a lot sooner but A Christmas Carol has a very specific and tight deadline and I have needed to put all of my energy and time into getting those books bound. The timing with shipping Dorian Gray didn’t help matters either! With Christmas Carol, every single day means hitting another deadline for one process or another so I am not able to take any time away from that right now. I expect the sale of the remaining standard editions of Coraline to happen very early in the new year and they will most likely be sold via lottery.

Christmas Carol
This IS happening. We have now finished the Numbered edition and are putting the finishing touches to the Lettered edition right now.
There will be 250 of the Numbered and 26 of the Lettered. There is a new and exclusive afterword from actor, writer and director Simon Callow and the book is lavishly illustrated by Gary Gianni with a dozen full page, letterpress printed black and whites, five tipped in colour plates and illustrated stave headings in two colours.
Details can now be found on the A Christmas Carol Project Page and on the Shop Page.
As usual, rights holders will be contacted first and then after that we will hold lotteries. There will be lotteries for any Lettered copies that become available, and a lottery for any available rights copies (1-150) and non-rights copies (151-250) of the Numbered edition. If you are successful in the Numbered lottery, you will be informed as to whether your copy comes with rights or not before you are asked to make a purchase. If there are any books remaining after the lotteries, they will be placed for sale on the website.
Rights holders will be emailed on Monday the 28th of November and will have until Thursday the 1st of December to make their purchase. The lottery form for the remaining Numbered copies (and potentially a lottery for any available Lettered copies) will open on the product pages in the shop at midday GMT on Saturday the 3rd of December and will be open for entries until midday GMT on Monday the 5th of December.
Please bear with me over the next couple of weeks. I’m going to be very busy with invoicing, packing and booking deliveries! We are aiming to get all of these books into people’s hands before Christmas. With a bit of luck, I think we might just do it!